Friday, April 5, 2013


Ah! Spring is here... although the temperatures are not quite "springy," the smell is in the air (I'm in Chicago). Aside from the birds joyously singing themselves into existence, or the crocuses pushing forth from beneath the dirt, there is also something within us that surfaces.  After a long, dark and cold winter, something does.

We humans shed our skin-though not as obvious as the snake.  Snakes shed their skin all in one piece while we shed in small quantities throughout the day.  Why does shedding even happen?  To allow for growth.  It happens continuously in stages and in layers.  From the lowest layer to the outermost one, new skin pushes itself to the top and is weathered away by the environment and our daily activities.  Our skin automatically knows when to renew and regenerate itself without question.
Old skin/New skin

Naturally on a psychological level, we feel the urge to want to start fresh.  Rebirth.  After lying dormant and growing our roots deep underground (winter mode), we shoot upwards toward the sky, emerging with vitality. We welcome the sun's warmth and presence as a new cycle begins.  New beginnings, ideas, projects, residence, initiations, harvest. Growth is fundamental to our wellbeing. Although it may be tough at times to push through these layers of skin (society, expectations, habits, forms of learning, the past), there is always something to be gained.

In order to transition into your new skin properly, one must be in the right state of mind and health.  Self-awareness is the beginning of this process, and self-maintainence is the key to understanding how these deeper layers function within us.  Take the time to connect, and experience what shedding means for you.

Join me for some Qi Gong!  Check out my calendar below for class dates and times.  Please register for classes at  Hope to see you!

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