Regardless of the season, life continues to move at an accelerated pace. It is necessary to give yourself a break and drop your anchor once in awhile. Allow your roots to deepen into the earth and spread, and become centered. Communicate with the ground below you and learn how to slow down. Weed out that which does not allow you to grow, and trust in yourself. There is plenty of time when you embrace quality over quantity. In the winter, our roots grow deep so by springtime our foliage is strong and bright and beautiful. What does that mean for you?
E X P A N D. ... . .. . . . . . . . .
Your mind plays a powerful role in coordinating your body's needs and necessities. The brain is the first to know when you need more oxygen, food, when you are in pain, or when you are relaxed. Sometimes the signals are not quite clear because the mind is overactive with work, a to do list, worries, or because you haven't eaten yet. Stress!
In the way you get into your car and drive it to where you need to go, so it is with your body. Except you are driving through your inter-cellular highway, and your mind is in the driver seat while your body is the vehicle. Once your mind is clear of cobwebs and distraction, it is possible to be in tune with what your body is telling you. With the benefits of high grade fuel (healthy food) or oxygen (exercise), you can make better choices which ultimately pave the way to less stress. Your mind can direct traffic in a much more efficient way, and provide a clear unobstructed route to wherever you need to go (and on time). The mind and body are interchangeable in that the body must be sound in order to resonate with the mind, and vice versa. Where does it begin?
I found this biking around the city one day |
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